Saturday 16 August 2014

Hard Day's Night For Haringey Racers

It really was a ‘Hard Day’s Night’ for a number of Racers players as they spent over 5 hours at the Palace filming for their second TV appearance. They were taking part in an episode of “Officially Amazing” which is a revamp of the former ‘Record Breakers’ programme, this time being shown on CBBC.

The filming went on until 1.15 am, with CBBC presenter Ben Shires donning a Racers uniform and showing his skating prowess. (He later admitted it was only about his 3rd time on skates!). He also later added full goalie kit. This is a children’s show, but the programme did include use of an inflatable doll (You’ll have to watch the programme for the explanation).

All the various segments had to be filmed several times to provide different camera angles, including some with players wearing Helmet-cams. It was an extremely interesting procedure to watch, but I think most players were most interested in the huge display of Pizza and Chicken strips generously provided by the Production team.  The skating after the break was markedly slower!!!

The climax of the evening (morning by now!) was 2 Racers attempting to beat hockey-themed World Records:
Firstly – most shots into an empty net from the blue line in one minute.

Second – targets approx 6 inches square were attached to the corners of the goal and the task was to hit as many as possible in 30 seconds.

Obviously, I am not permitted to give any clue as to the success or not of these attempts! You’ll have to watch the programme when it is aired around January 2015.  Keep watching the website for details of the actual transmission date.

Allan Bennett, Haringey Racers