Saturday, 26 October 2024

New Mayhem Collection By Blindside Trading Cards

Peter: We have a surprise for you, hopefully all will be revealed soon.

Me: I actually hate surprises…

Peter: lol I think you’ll like this!

And I have to say that I DO like it.  It is absolutely brilliant - a very pleasant surprise!

None of this scantily clad women leaping out of cakes mullarkey, either – I am proud to say that I have been featured on a TRADING CARD!  Yes - indeed, the new 2024 set of Manchester Mayhem cards has just been released by Blindside Trading Cards and I am on one of them.  Who would have thought?

It’s a proper set of cards that come in a proper box that you can - erm - trade… or, in my case, keep and show off about.

So this means that, in years to come, at conventions, swap-meets and fairs right across the globe, thousands - if not millions - of fans, collectors and dealers who would normally be keenly seeking out California Seals rarities, haggling over Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux doubles and discussing the merits of the famous Garry Unger Heineken beermat, will, instead, be staring at my Blindside card and wondering: “Who the hell is HE…?  

You can order your set of Manchester Mayhem 2024 cards from Blindside Trading Cards right now HERE

And if you want some different sets that don’t include ME, they have those as well. Check out their full online shop HERE